An 8 week class on End Times will be starting on Monday, April 1 at 6:30pm.

This will be a weekly class taught by Jay Ashbaucher at the church in the sanctuary.

Classic Car Show and Yard Sale - June 1st

Mark your calendars and come be part of the fun! The River Bible Church will be hosting a Classic Car Show and Yard Sale day. This is the same weekend as the Rockwood city-wide garage sale. Bring anything you would like to sell and park in the school parking lot to sell your items. You may set them up on a table outside of your car. Each car selling items will donate $25 to go toward planting churches through TTI. You keep the rest from your sales. There will be no fee for the classic cars that will be parked in the church parking lot. Refreshments will be sold with proceeds going toward planting churches. So plan to join us for a great day that will impact many lives overseas!

5th anniversary of the River Bible Church

We will celebrate the 5th anniversary of the River Bible Church on Sunday, June 30th. This will be a great time to stay after services and fellowship with one another. There will be a food sign up lunch outside with a dunk tank, ice cream, and bounce house. Mark your calendar for 1-3pm that day.


Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, 12

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

The first Saturday of every month at
9am we host our Men’s Breakfast at the church.

This will be a special time for men to enjoy good food and have conversations about what we can do to help our community and how we can stand strong in our faith in an ever changing and challenging world. God didn’t intend for men to do life alone…we were made to do life together. Men, invite your friends, and let’s get connected, learn more about our Lord and grow to become a better dad, a better husband, a better man…

If you are able, we are requesting a $5 donation toward our feast.

Ready for Camping?

Monday, July 22- Saturday, July 27

Everyone is invited to join Pastor Rich and Stacy for a casual week of camping, Bible study, campfires, and family-style meals. Meet us in Michigan’s beautiful upper peninsula for a refreshing retreat away from the hustle and bustle of every day life. Go directly to their website to make a reservation and then let us know you are coming by clicking on the button below!